Saturday, September 19, 2009

Smokers! It's Do it Or Die! So Let's Do It!

Next Day (the best choice), or The Day After, or Whenever

You most likely will not have succeeded in permanently stopping smoking at this point, but I'm pretty sure that like most, you were able to stop for at least three hours. This is a very positive step. You're on your way to a new life.

We must analyze this scenario. I'm sure you're not terribly surprised that you were unable to stop forever. After all, I did say you would most likely fail. But the milestone was reached - and that's what's important here. Failure is a part of life. Failure is by definition: (only) a judgment about an event. In this case, it means a judgment created by your own expectations. However, like a debilitating disease, failure can destroy those who have not been 'immunized'. Those who understand the lessons of failure are actually made stronger. You learn from failure - especially from a recent one.

Think about it: those who have not failed at trying to stop smoking - have never smoked. But with each failure comes knowledge. And that's where we're at. So far, you know you shouldn't smoke, and you know that if you stop, you'll no longer be addicted to nicotine. You know you're in a trap and it's just an illusion. And you know you're a disgusting drug addict, and because of that, you probably don't like yourself very much.

I guess you don't know enough yet though, because you're back. You most likely caved because you had an irritating, restless feeling that needed to be fixed, so naturally you thought you'd solve it by smoking. But you didn't really solve it, did you? Since your objective is to stop smoking and you are still doing it. Why is that?

You now know that you must be more prepared before you stop. By 'Prepared' I mean you must look at every situation and figure out what your problem was. Did you smoke when you first got up this morning? after you had sex? when you got in the car? at coffee break? before or after you had a drink? when you answered the phone? waiting for a bus? when you stepped outside? after or before a meal? . . . Or did you smoke without even realizing it?

Whatever it was that caused you to smoke that cigarette - you must analyze all of the excuses you made as you lit up - excuses to justify the fag you were about to smoke. Then you must prepare to counteract any negative thoughts and mental images with positive ones that see you as A NON-SMOKER.

After your first failure, it's important that you try to be conscious of every fag you smoke - You know that irritating, restless feeling I talked about? Well, this is where we face the filthy demon. You may have described it as a craving, but where did it come from?

Right now, I'm going to ask you to open your mind a bit. The craving that you experienced is actually coming first from your unconscious mind. Then your thoughts convert to your conscious mind. I ask now that you imagine that this craving is a disturbing demon in your brain - one that is full of poison that is seeping into your body and causing this disturbing feeling I mentioned.

The message I need to make loud and clear is:

You must kill this Filthy Demon

in order to stop smoking

Once again, very simple.

That's it - that's all.

Yeah right! You say.

I'm not going to tell you that the withdrawal from a major drug is easy. Nicotine is the fastest acting addictive drug in the world, but fortunately, once the intake is stopped, it also leaves our bodies quickly. As a result, it's an easy drug to beat physically.

How can I say that? Easy. You suffered no or very little actual physical pain during your first attempt at stopping. Did you? Three hours and virtually no physical pain. So now you know that withdrawal from nicotine is not really a physical pain. In fact, it's 98% mental.

Withdrawal from nicotine is tough, but not very hard to beat. In order to change your thinking, it's essential when you extinguish your last 'real fag', that you understand exactly why you smoke so that any feelings of panic you have disappear.

Hi I'm Jim Creech - My friends call me The Creecher,

(I am a bilateral below knee amputee which was primarily caused by smoking. However, this did not stop me from smoking.)

They also call me the Stop Smoking Guru, partly because of the knowledge I now have about stopping smoking and also to the 97% success rate as a result of smokers taking the course I have created called The Only Way to Stop Smoking Easily

I give away a free report that explains The Secret to Quitting Smoking when you visit this site.

5 Stop Smoking Tips

How many articles have you read that smoking does not give you any health benefits at all? How many times did the government and surgeons have warned you that smoking kills? No matter how many times a smoker have been reminded about the dangers of smoking, the smoker still cannot help but light up that cigarette but in the back of his head he knows he is heading to a slow suicide. Yet no matter how the smoker wants to quit, tobacco companies turns the negative side effects of smoking into positive outlook just to promote their products. With advertisements that reflects smoking and smokers are cool, they are actually causing confusion to the smoker who wants to quit and to those who have not started smoking. However, the benefits of not smoking and quitting outweighs the benefits of smoking. Here are some tips to help you resist and one and for all quit that cigarette puffing habit.

First of all, you have to think about stop smoking. Do not lose hope if you have failed so many times thinking about quitting because the thinking part of quitting is really the most difficult part. You will actually fail more than once before you can kick the unhealthy puffing habit. Many cannot think about quitting because they do not want to put away the fact that there are many discomforts that goes with once you have started to quit. Even if this is the case, think about the benefits you will gain later. Think about the permanent advantages later rather than the temporary disadvantages. Consider your life to be precious and consider love and care your family and friends has to offer.

Secondly, get ready to quit smoking. Make plans and tell your friends and family about your plan. When they say that smoking stinks, then turn away from them. This is actually the main key wherein you can either make or break. Setup a date when you have supposedly turned away from the cigarette. Letting your family and friends know can help since they will support you in attaining your goal. This is one way of them letting you know that they actually care for you and this is a big factor for you to turn away from smoking.

The third step is staying committed to your goal. It will not be easy but you have to prove that you are with a stronger will than the cigarette. To stay committed to your goal, you have to throw away everything that reminds you of smoking such as ashtrays, lighters, posters, or anything that causes depression, bars and establishments where smoking is nothing but normal. When you have done this, have the mindset and stay the course.

Fourth, seek support groups and keep yourself busy. Remember that idle minds are the workplace of the devil. When you are doing nothing, the more that you will be tempted to smoke again. Attend meetings or do some new productive hobbies just to stay away from smoking. In this way, there will be no time for your hand and your lips to be lighting up a cigarette.

Lastly, have faith that you can quit and stay a quitter. If you have to seek medical attention, do so. There are smoking cessation products available to help you quit. Ask your practitioner or your doctor about each products and understand each of these products. Your doctor can guide you which is appropriate and suitable for you to help you choose wisely.
Article Source:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to Quit Smoking in 21 Days

It seems difficult to quit smoking in day's time but I have done that and it's been 2 and 1/2 years. I am going to give a simple but surely effective technique. This might be the final day for you to quit smoking and live your life with freedom. What made me to think about quit smoking. Like all the creature on this earth love to be free and when we crave for smoking we feel helpless and chained.

One day I was browsing through the site I came across a site devoted to transactional analysis. Now come to the meat of the subject. T.A. suggests to feel and act like a fighter. We all in our life love to fight the adversity. Let's say smoking is my enemy and I will not let it win. Now if we take note of when does it strike with exact time. Following are the tentative timings 1) When I wake up at 8.30 am and soon after breakfast. 2) At about 12 O Clock 3) At about 1:45 pm 4) At about 4 pm 5) At about 6 pm 6) At about 8 pm and before I go to bed.

Now that way we have 7 Cigarettes. Now we have to put on paper the situations when you tend to smoke. Like when a phone rings from the bank asking for due payment and you do not have money to pay. When someone says something you really angry about. When someone behaves in a manner you dislike the most. Put these situations and timings on paper and prepare your guards against them. Like when it's about to hit 8.30 am you prepare yourself before the time say to yourself "I AM THE WINNER I WILL NOT LET IT WIN".

When any unpleasant situation compels you to smoke, you concentrate on the problem and say to yourself this 3 inch crap will not help me to solve the problem and it's my enemy. This way you can tailor it to your needs and bring the warrior within yourself. In addition to this I would suggest you to wake up early in the morning against your will and have a morning walk for about 45 minutes. This will help you build your confidence and prepare you for the war against Cigarettes.

Article Source:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hypnosis and Quitting

When all else fails when it comes to quitting smoking, there is one last resort that many smokers turn to. That last resort is Hypnosis. Non-believers laugh when you tell them that you are going to get hypnotized to stop smoking. But research has shown that it is possible. The first step would be to find someone who is qualified. Check out your local yellow pages and see who is listed. Then make a list of questions such as is they licensed, how long have they been doing this and do they have letters of recommendations of testimonials that they can show you. If you go for a consultation and you don't see a license then don't stay. When it comes to mind altering in anyway, if there is no license then there is no hypnosis.
When you go for a consultation ask hypnotists what they can do for you and see what each session entails. Price is also an issue; shop around for the best price. Once you have gathered up all of your information, you can choose. Don't expect to just walk in and have a seat and then they will wave a pendant in front of you and viola you will be hypnotized. The trick to determine why it is that you smoke and then through questions and by your own answers, the hypnotist can set a treatment that will work.

For example, by answering their questions it is determined that you smoke because you are stressed out. The hypnotist can target that area of the brain, so when you become stressed they can place a suggestion to lessen the effects of stress, causing you to not to smoke. If you smoke because you don't want to gain weight then there is post hypnotic suggestion that will work for you as well.

Do your own research when it comes to any treatment that you are considering. If you don't want to go to a therapist then try the self-hypnotizing CD's and Videos that are available. There are plenty of self-help and self-hypnosis that you can try before going to a professional. Look online, you can find some great items on the web when it comes to stop smoking.

The truth is that hypnosis does not work on everyone. It is true that you have to have an open mind or it won't work. The mind is a powerful tool and even the slightest negativity will not work. Keep your mind open, especially if you are serious about quitting. If you bring a good attitude and a strong will to stop smoking then you can do it. The old saying goes, you can do anything you want as long as you set your mind to it. That works even for hypnosis and quitting smoking.

If you are not really sure that this is the way to want to go, then at least give it a try. Talk to some hypnotists and see what they can offer. If the price is right and you like what they have to say then you have nothing to lose.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Join a smoking cessation program

Join a smoking cessation program
With an abundance of smoking cessation products and programs available today, how do you know which one will work best for you?Joining a smoking cessation program can be one of the most important decisions a smoker can make. This article will provide an overview of the smoking cessation programs available, including inpatient smoking cessation programs. Before investing time and money in a smoking cessation program, a smoker should understand a few things about their smoking behavior first. Studies have shown that quitting smokers are far more successful when they understand why they smoke, why they desire to quit and if any, behaviors they have are connected to smoking.
What does a smoking cessation program offer?
Although many smoking cessation programs offer smokers similar options, they vary widely in their approach. Likewise, smoking cessation programs vary in cost, which ranges from free, offered by many nonprofit groups, including the ALS to expensive private institutions. Most programs offer support, understanding and education as the backbone of their services. They seek to educate the smoker about the withdrawal process and help them under stand the process their body is going through. Since the smoker is educated, they understand why they feel the way they do and that it is only a temporary process. These smoking cessation programs also offer behavior modification. They seek to replace the old habits and thinking with positive behaviors. This may include mantras and redirection. Outlined below are some of the more popular and effective smoking cessation programs.
Hazelden residential recovery program
This smoking cessation program is a week long inpatient program offered at the Dan Anderson Renewal Center outside Minneapolis, Minnesota. The program approaches nicotine dependency with a whole person philosophy. Instead of focusing on the quitting aspect of smoking cessation the Hazelden program focuses on the recovery process and moving past smoking using a mind- body and spirit approach,. The program uses a 12 step, abstinence based model, Individual and group counseling along with motivational speakers. Quitting smokers u se a variety of yoga, acupuncture, massage and various other relaxation techniques, along with guidance on diet and nutrition to overcome their addiction to tobacco products. Diagnosis, treatment plans, progress reports and discharge summary plans are provided to patients. The cost for smoking cessation programs offered by Hazelden range from $2,782 to $3,300 for a week long session.
5 A Method
This method has proven highly effective in helping pregnant women quit smoking. The 5 A method has been shown to double and sometimes triple the smoking cessation rates of pregnant women. The program is usually conducted during doctor visits and is usually covered by insurance. It is also provided free of charge for low income pregnant women. The process, which take roughly 10 to 15 minutes focus on 5 main topics.
The practitioner asks about the smoking states of the patient. The patient selects one of five answers to describe their situation.
The practitioner advises the pat ient to quit, by means of clear, personalized and strong advice and a describe the impact smoking has on the developing baby.
Assess the willingness of the patient to quit smoking within the next few weeks to a month
The provider will establish a support network to assist the woman during her cessation program. The provider will also provide related smoking cessation information.
The practitioner will arrange regular check ins and continue to encourage the woman to quit if she is still smoking.
Counseling has long been a part of successful smoking cessation programs. It is an ambiguous term that can be used to describe nearly all interactions a smoker may have with any health care profession. This may be appointments with therapists who help the smoker implement different behavior modification techniques or doctors that provide health related medical advice. Counseling is often used in conjunction with a nicotine replacement therapy. It is most effective in the cessation of smoking by pregnant women and for those with heart disease. The cost is usually covered by insurance, and can range from $25 to several hundred dollars in the absence of insurance.
Online Smoking Cessation Groups
There are several online groups that offer smokers an online alternative for a smoking cessation program. These forums provide smokers with an abundance of information regarding smoking, including the health effects of smoking and statistics related to smoking. Their main draw is the anonymity that they offer. Smokers create profiles and are able to support each other in their smoking cessation process. They remain anonymous and can interact as much or as little as they want. These groups are located in abundance on the internet and can vary dramatically in cost; some are available for free, while some charge high fees.

While inpatient smoking cessation programs are rare, they do offer a viable smoke free alternative during the most difficu lt time in a smoker's attempt to quit. Smoking cessation programs, when used appropriately, can greatly increase an individual's chance of quitting and remaining smoke free.
courtesy source :

Smokers who wish to quit the habit can find it quite hard to kick the habit and often spend months or even years struggling to stay clean. Yoga has of late come to symbolize hope for those who wish to quit smoking. Any yoga practitioner can testify to the healing power of yoga. It offers a variety of health benefits through its peculiar, distinctive physical and breathing exercises. Despite the fact that yoga practice is so beneficial it does not require any extra effort, in fact quite the contrary; yoga can be practiced by anyone as it is a personal practice that takes into account the practitioner’s physical limitations and capacity, and actually hones those skills that are lacking. Moreover yoga does not require any major equipment or expensive gym membership. Time constraints are a common accuse to shirk our responsibilities to ourselves, but there can be no such excuse for yoga as just 20 minutes of practice, done thrice a week, would suffice.
So, how effective is yoga as a tool to quit smoking? You’d be surprised to find that it is one of the most effective methods of quitting, as it not only helps you overcome your addiction, but also helps you overcome the withdrawal symptoms and nicotine dependence that are normally so problematic for those who quit smoking. It is widely accepted that exercise has a positive influence on those trying to quit smoking, with even a daily five minute walk helping to reduce cravings. Moderate exercise can help significantly and even more so, yoga. This is because yoga surpasses other physical fitness routines on account of its being so much more than a physical routine. It involves exercise and stretching, in combination with meditation and introspection, enabling the practitioner to derive tranquility and inner peace. It inculcates physical strength but more importantly it builds your inner strength, focus and will power, enabling you to ward of any cravings much more effectively.

Breath control and exercises are an integral aspect of yoga practice and this fact makes it even more relevant to smokers. Many people find smoking relaxing, mainly because of the inhaling and exhaling aspect that it encourages. Yoga encourages the same reflexes in its breath exercises, but without the nicotine. It therefore in a way compensates for the lost method of relaxation, with a far deeper and healthier relaxation. Breath exercises are commonly used as a stress reduction technique and physical exercise is also helpful for stress. Yoga being a combination of the two is so much more effective and can calm the senses, improve circulation, and stimulate the central nervous system.

Apart from the fact that yoga helps smokers quit the habit it also minimizes the damage and helps restore health. Yoga practices improve your lung capacity and also strengthen them, alleviating the ill effects of smoking to a certain extent.
Source : http://yoga-health-benefits.blogspot

Yoga is not a miracle cure to quit smoking. The different aspects of yoga such as asanas, pranayama, meditation, and breathing techniques definitely are the best techniques for quitting ever invented or discovered by man. No other techniques can challenge these well designed comprehensive and integrated techniques to quit smoking. Try it and bring the change in your life!

Yoga Helps Quit Smoking-really sounds strange and to some impossible. But yoga can really play a vital role in quitting smoking. If you add yoga in your smoking cessation, you will get the best results and confidence to quit smoking.

The best thing what yoga does is it improves your damaged smoking health. It improves your lung capacity and strength and ultimately it alleviates some of the dangerous effects of smoking.

How yoga helps you quit smoking?

Yoga cultivates determination and willpower in a smoker which are the primary strengths needed to quit smoking. And no other techniques can work in overcoming this biggest weakness of a smoker.
Many people smoke or start smoking due to psychological and emotional problems. And yoga is the only technique which helps best in overcoming these life taking traumas and maintaining psychological and emotional balance in the body.
It creates awareness to lead a healthy life and to understand your own body. This awareness automatically let you know that your body does not want these types of dangerous toxins. And the same awareness brings a great change and improvement in your diet and lifestyle to quit smoking as well as to improve your health.
The deep breathing techniques of yoga neutralize the irresistible cravings for nicotine which happens during the first days and weeks of quitting. And no other technique can work best in this regard.
Yoga helps quitting smoking without weight gain and any other side effects. And no other techniques can help in this regard.
What is the most important yoga technique which helps best to quit smoking?

One of the important yoga cleansing practices called as ‘Jala Neti,’ which works wonders for those who want to quit smoking. This technique effects at both physical and psychological levels. It is an integrated approach which works smoothly to help a smoker quit smoking.

How yoga breathing techniques can help you quit smoking?

Here is a simple example of a yoga breathing techniques which helps best whenever you crave for a cigarette.

How to practice it?

Inhale deeply as far as you can and then slowly exhale. Purse your lips so that the air will come out slowly.
Slowly touch your chest with your chin as you exhale
Imagine all your stress, tension and other emotional problems draining out of your fingers and toes.
Practice it at least three times.
This deep breathing technique works as your greatest weapon during the strong cravings and gives you the best possible result.

Source :